About Us

In recent years education has lost something of its previous grandeur. The Liberal Arts used to form the basis of educating free men that they might be competent to be useful members of civil society.

Emmanuel College Sydney was set up in order to produce such men and women. We want to see graduates who are well equipped with the fundamentals of western civilisation. We will focus on critical thought, understanding arguments, articulating critique and analysing concepts from the basis of a Biblical worldview.

In order to graduate men and women who are free to think and argue Biblically, we desire to be free to teach the unrestricted truth. It is increasingly obvious that to be unrestricted in what is taught we must be free from government interference. To that end, we are offering an unaccredited course which will allow us to teach an unashamedly Christian curriculum. We have no desire to be accredited by the government and hope to see a rise in education facilities that are free to produce free men and women.

Our Leadership

Emmanuel College Sydney is governed by a board of directors.

Rev. Dr. Peter Barnes
– Dean of Emmanuel College Sydney
Peter is a preacher, lecturer and author. He was the pastor at Revesby Presbyterian Church for over 20 years and has been involved in Christian Schooling and Theological Education for over 30 years.

Aaron Balmforth
Aaron and his family worship at Sutherland Presbyterian Reformed Church where he serves as an elder. He is employed in the health sector and regularly preaches around Sydney.

Thomas Eglinton
Thomas is the marketing manager of Reformers Bookshop and is involved in home school education as well as the literature department of Emmanuel College Sydney. Thomas, his wife, Shamira and their five children worship at Camden Valley Baptist Church.

John Ishak
John is the Executive Manager Development for the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales, is a Warden at Menai Anglican Church and involved in Christian Schooling.

David Maher
David has been the minister at Burwood Presbyterian Church for 22 years. He has been active in seeking to see the truth of the Gospel applied to cultural issues.

Wayne Richards
With extensive corporate business experience, Wayne has also served as an elder of the Presbyterian Church, as well as chairman of a Presbyterian School and an Independent Christian School.